Mouth cancer is one of the biggest threats to your oral health.
The good news is that treatment can often be straightforward and swift when caught early. At Hesire Dental, we carry out thorough screenings as part of your routine examination.
Gentle and Thorough Mouth Cancer Screening in East Sussex
The examinations and treatment we carry out for our patients are of a standard we would deliver to our own loved ones. When you come in for your routine check-up, we will ask you if you have any concerns regarding your mouth cancer risk and thoroughly investigate these for you. Your dentist will gently feel for abnormalities and use microscopic lenses to pick up even minor irregularities.
Mouth Cancer: Know the Symptoms
- Sores inside the mouth that are not healing.
- Red or white patches on the gums, cheeks, or tongue.
- Trouble swallowing or chewing.
- Numbness or bleeding in the mouth.
- Lumps in the jaw.
- The feeling that something is lodged in the back of the mouth.